Welcome to BancPublic.be!

Hello and welcome to my website! BancPublic.be is not your standard financial blog – it aims to be the most accessible, understandable, and useful website in the field of finance and investments. I will keep you informed with the latest news and trends, as well as expand your knowledge by offering our analysis on different topics. You do not need to be a subject matter expert to enjoy and learn from the website – I will not bore you with dry data and complicated terminology.

My name is Finlay James and I have a rather successful career in IT engineering. However, I also have a fiery passion for all things related to finance and investments. It all started with a few books that I borrowed from a friend – they really changed my outlook on money and savings, making me realize that I should make some changes in my life and stop wasting every dollar I get on booze and frivolous things. As I got further into the subject, I noticed that the majority of articles were pretty hard to read, due to the extensive use of boring data and complex terminology. This is when I decided that maybe I should start my own blog, where I can share my insights and advice to other average Joes like me.

I will cover a variety of topics related to finance and investments, as well as the latest developments in the field. Hopefully you will find the website both entertaining and informative. If you have any questions for me, or would like me to write on a specific topic, please use the provided contact form. I promise to take all requests into consideration!